Using popular education in health during the COVID-19 pandemic with women who suffered violence: an experience report
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State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A717
This research reports the experience of Paulo ferries itinerary, carried out in cultural circles, in Campinas/Brazil with women who suffered violence. During the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the number of cases of domestic violence increased and the access to support services for victims, in particular in health, social assistance and public security sectors reduced. Popular health education becomes a powerful strategy in the sense of promoting actions and proposals for educational practices. Therefore, it is a priority to design and create specialized intervention programs to prevent and reduce complications that arise from violence exposure. Objectives: to report the experience of hosting culture circles through research into implementation of care for people exposed to violence, by group interfaces, from the faculty of medical sciences at Unicamp, Brazil. Method: two cycles of groups composed of 8 meetings were carried out from June to December 2021, inspired by the Freirean perspective, with women over 18 years old exposed to violence, living in the city of Campinas, Brazil. A qualitative description of the preliminary results of the intervention performed will be presented. Results: the impact, implications and scope of violence in the participants lives was revealed in the identification of the themes: chauvinism, racism, future, dreams, being a woman, resilience, women’s health, social inequality, trust issues, rights and justice, fear and self-image. The participants showed an interest in perpetuating the circle of culture among the women of the community. Conclusions: popular health education favored the exchange and reflection on what was experienced, and it was also understood in its collective dimension. The culture circle proved to be a potential tool for the empowerment of participants, based on the democratic sharing of knowledge and experiences about violence, becoming an emancipatory space for continuous learning, freedom, resistance and affective constructions.