Tuberculosis-related knowledge, practices, perceived stigma and discrimination, and adherence to anti-tuberculosis medication among patients with tuberculosis
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GHD Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET), Jordan
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A237
Background: Tuberculosis is ranked among the top 10 causes of death worldwide and is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent. Tuberculosis knowledge, practices, adherence to treatment, perceived stigma, perceived family and health workers support among patients with tuberculosis are key factors in management of the disease. This study aimed to assess tuberculosis related knowledge and practices, perceived stigma, discrimination and their associated factors, adherence to medication and its associated factors, reasons for diagnosis/treatment delay, perceived family and health workers support, perceived level of satisfaction with healthcare services and impact of COVID-19 among patients with TB in Jordan. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients who were under treatment for Tuberculosis in Jordan. A structed questionnaire was developed, and pilot tested among 10 patients with tuberculosis. Categorical variables were described using percentages and quantitative variables were described using means and standard deviations. General linear procedure and binary logistic regression were used to determine association with different variables. Results: The majority of patients with tuberculosis had low to moderate overall tuberculosis-related knowledge score. The duration between the onset of tuberculosis symptom(s) and diagnosis had a mean of 43.2 days and the duration between diagnosis and treatment had a mean of 6.4 days. The majority of patients with tuberculosis thought that there was a delay in diagnosis and/or treatment of tuberculosis. Conclusions: Efforts should be made to increase public awareness and knowledge about tuberculosis and to educate them about the importance of seeking early care. A patient centric approach, where motivational counseling and patient support groups should be adopted.