The use of social media to facilitate student-led initiatives in undergraduate medical education
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College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A718
Introduction: Despite the shift to online learning brought about by the covid-19 pandemic, existing studies on social media (some) use in medical education have primarily focused on educator-led initiatives. Our study thus described student-led some initiatives and elicited perceptions of undergraduate medical students towards such initiatives. Methodology: An online survey was sent out to first- and second-year undergraduate medical students from the university of the Philippines manila college of medicine. Descriptive statistics were calculated, while qualitative data from open-ended questions were grouped into prominent themes. Results of the 258 participants of the survey, 228 (88.4%) recommended the continued use of some. The most popular some platforms for different tasks were as follows: discord for studying together (71.3%) and for conducting peer tutoring sessions (33.3%); Facebook messenger for reading reminders (55.4%); telegram for reading announcements related to academics (88.4%) and administrative requirements (72.9%), and for accessing material provided by classmates (60.1%) and professors (52.3%). The high uptake of some is due to the several advantages cited, such as accessibility and cost-efficiency. Some disadvantages were cited, such as their capacity to serve as distractions and sources of social media fatigue. Conclusions: Some platforms were useful for student-led initiatives, and their use should be continued and explored further. Students use of a particular some platform was dependent on their needs and the platforms features. By analyzing the perceptions of students, medical schools will be able to better integrate these initiatives into medical curricula.
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