The use of essential oils in birth care
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Municipal Health Departament of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Health Departament of Rio de Janeiro Prefecture, Brazil
Estate Institute of Cardiology, Aloysio de Castro of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1181
Background and Objective: The World Health Organization (WHO) has a set of diverse practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs in health, where plant, animal or mineral-based medicines are used, spiritual therapies, manual techniques that can be applied, separately or in combination, with the aim of maintaining well-being, treating, diagnosing and preventing diseases (WHO, 2002). Non-pharmacological methods are considered important for relieving parturients pain, fears and anxieties, reducing tensions caused by the parturition process, as well as providing comfort and well-being to women during labor. Among these methods, aromatherapy consists of the use of essential oils and has contributions to childbirth care. The objective of this study is to identify which essential oils (EO) can be used during childbirth and describe their applicability in childbirth care. Methods: This is bibliographical research that used classic references in the field of aromatherapy, scientific articles and Ministry of Health Policies. Results and Discussion: Essential oils are precious for well-being, both for the body and for the spirit. Elevate the mind, mood and emotions. The use of the non-pharmacological method, for pain relief through massage with OE, can provide parturients with a more comfortable, pleasant and less exhausting way of giving birth to newborns. The nursing team must have adequate knowledge and be trained to use it in their practice. The EO of French Lavender, Geranium, Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Frankincense and others, always thinking about the conditions of the parturient. Conclusions: EO can be an additional alternative for parturients, due to their effectiveness in relieving pain, anxiety and improving well-being during labor. Descriptors: massage; aromatherapy; labor  
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