SARS-CoV2 pandemic and its confrontation in indigenous people: An experience with 34 brazilian districts
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Leader of innovation and digital health Brazil
Ministry of health, Brazil Brazil
Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A453
Studies show that indigenous peoples are more vulnerable to epidemics due to social, economic conditions and access to health, which amplifies the potential for the spread of diseases such as the coronavirus (COVID-19), an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV- 2.
To present the Brazilian Government strategy to tackle the COVID-19 in indigenous communities, considering multiple stakeholders.
Besides communication strategies, this paper also discusses the proposition a repository with contingency plans for specific territorial realities.
The strategies were developed under the Brazilian Governments leadership, with the support of the 34 indigenous districts (DSEI). The types of strategies developed involve policy ordinances, technical reports, reports, recommendations, clinical management protocols, epidemiological bulletins, multidisciplinary actions and a Communication Hub. The Communication Hub has involved social network channels with approximately four hundred thousand accesses, even in regions with difficult internet access. Brazil has continental dimensions and has one of the largest indigenous population in the world; therefore, the Brazilian Government articulated a strategy to ensure that the indigenous people would have access to health, food, security isolation and social benefits.
Features of this reported experience might be exported and adapted to local circumstances elsewhere to prevent widespread mortality in indigenous communities. As suggestions for future research related to fighting COVID-19, we recommend a study divided among health systems in countries with indigenous populations, as well as a study comparing the vulnerability of indigenous populations with general population and misinformation related to indigenous health.