Public health and humanity losses: A reiterated plead towards jonathan mann's principles
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Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1659
Jonathan Mann fought all his life for Public Health Rights. In 1998 he resigned from World Health Organization in protest of United Nations not humanely responding towards the rampant AIDS crisis. Mann called for a shift of human consciousness through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a (post) covid-19 World we are urged to question whether todays millions globally consume the first article to which international pillars swear - ’All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’ (UDHR Article 1). Are we equal and dignified in consuming Public Health Rights? As in the times of Mann’s fights for dignity and health little has changed on the global health scene? (Mann et al.,1999 posthumously). Are there ways of escaping a quantified humanity causing structural loss of Rights? Methodologically, this research is a long-term follow up of Croatian/European medical system downfall embedded in social level mapping (Bear et al. 1986) of decades long global medicine departures from equity for all (Walter et al. 2004, Bourdieu, 1992, etc.). The times of (post) COVID 19 demand a further critical seeking of Rights informed interventions upon the findings which prove the continuous structural violence done through today’s neoliberal syntax of numbers not health for all (Špoljar Vržina, 2021). Results testify of people uncapable of surviving future challenges without Public Health equity confronting the solidified medicine paradigms that wax and wane according to the continuous structural violence of monetary ‘progress’. Without Mann’ dignified humanity global transformations are solely ones into an endangered species cycles of pandemics, forced migrations and wars. Concludary, global desensitizing conditions continuously build upon disrespect towards the worsening realities of global medical contexts for which, reintroducing the basics of Mann’s principles into Public Health actions of a (post) COVID 19 World are indivisible of future Public Health agendas.
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