Prevention and control of covid-19: A multicentric study of the brazilian population in the territories covered by primary health care
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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz researcher Brazil
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Universidade Federal da Bahia researcher Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro researcher Brazil
Universidade Federal do Piaui Teacher Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A427
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of Primary Health Care (PHC) functions in Brazil, a privileged locus for health teams to carry out educational, social, and assistance actions in the prevention and control of the disease.
This study aims to analyze the information sources and daily-life practices of the strategies for COVID-19 prevention and control in the individual, family, and collective spheres of the population in the territories covered by the PHC.
Clipping of a multicenter, national study. Cross-sectional, descriptive design, with a quantitative approach, involving 128 health units, 88 municipalities, and 5 regions of the country. Selected for convenience, with a minimum sample calculation of 6,290 families, a structured online questionnaire was used for data collection, which took place between January and September 2021. Descriptive statistics were generated for the analyses.
6,775 families were included, 41.9% stated that one or more family members had been diagnosed with COVID-19. As for self-perception about the coronavirus, 55.2% say they are very confident in preventive methods; 92.9% considered social isolation as an important preventive measure; a 95.4% reported that COVID-19 is serious and a 67.1% reported low possibility of contagion by COVID-19. As for the perception of information about COVID-19 through social networks, a 57.2% of respondents reported feeling poorly informed; a 42% reported that a health and education action was carried out to prevent COVID-19 by the team of professionals from the health unit in the territory, a 78.8% reported feeling well informed about the coronavirus by health professionals.
Health teams contribute to the informational universe of their users through medical-scientific guidelines. Knowing the practices of coping with the COVID-19 pandemic by the Brazilian population contributes to teams and managers in strengthening light technologies and public policies for the prevention and control of public health emergencies.