One Health, Multiple backgrounds
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University of Bologna, Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A691
Background and Objective: One Health (OH) is considered to be a trans-disciplinary topic. In 2010, Fao, Woah, and who recognized that to address health risks, strong partnerships among players with different perspectives are required. However, in Italy, oh is only taught in a few university courses and is excluded from medicine and surgery. In October 2021, as first-year Public Health (PH) residents of the university of bologna, we decided to organize a winter school on oh open to medical residents, veterinarians, nurses, and biologists’ students. Methods: The course lasted 4 days dedicated to human, environmental, and animal health. It was recognized from the beginning the core importance of having an interprofessional environment, both for the lecturers and the trainees. In particular, morning activities were led by experts of multiple backgrounds, such as PH, veterinary, chemistry, geology, agriculture, statistics, environmental engineering, health economics, psychiatry, endocrinology, and microbiology, while the afternoons by the PH residents who integrated the morning topics with soft skills such as leadership and advocacy. Results: Frontal lessons covered different fields of expertise, and known and neglected problems and highlighted the gap between real-world issues and the academic division of knowledge. The involvement of PH residents was instrumental in implementing a peer-to-peer learning approach, involving participants in debates and encouraging them to express ideas and insights on specific issues to view them in a multi-disciplinary framework. Conclusions: Every participant was asked to fill out an evaluation form at the end of each day. Soft-skills training sessions were widely appreciated and participants acknowledged the course’s added value of facilitating the intersection between different fields of knowledge. Traditional educational approaches often underestimate the importance of a transdisciplinary approach, even though it appears fundamental in order to effectively assess real-world problems, and professionals are deeply aware of this gap in their education.