Health system resilience based primary health services in the covid 19 pandemic situation in depok city, indonesia
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Facullty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia Indonesian Public Health Assocition (IPHA) Perumnas Klender, Jl. Malaka Raya, RT.12/RW.6, Malaka Sari, Durensawit, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13460 Indonesia
Facullty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia Indonesian Public Health Assocition (IPHA) MIRACLE Building Perumnas Klender, Jl. Malaka Raya, RT.12/RW.6, Malaka Sari, Durensawit, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13460 Indonesia
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Indonesian Public Health Assocition (IPHA) MIRACLE Building Perumnas Klender, Jl. Malaka Raya, RT.12/RW.6, Malaka Sari, Durensawit, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13460 Indonesia
Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia Indonesian Public Health Assocition (IPHA) MIRACLE Building Perumnas Klender, Jl. Malaka Raya, RT.12/RW.6, Malaka Sari, Durensawit, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13460 Indonesia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A438
Indonesia is a disaster-prone country, so it needs preparedness to deal with it. One of the components that is the focus of a disaster is health services, including in non-natural disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Primary health services were not ready when the pandemic hit in March 2020. Depok City is the city with the first case of Covid 19 in Indonesia.
Identify the resilience of primary health services (Community Health Centers) in the Covid 19 pandemic situation
We use a cross-sectional method to measure the level of resilience base on 5 variables namely governance, financial, resources and health worfoce, technology and medical product uses, and services delivery. The population of this study were health workers working at the Depok City Community Health Centers in 2022 with a total sample of 111 people from 30 health centers. Respondents filled out the questionnaire using the Google form which was directly supervised by researchers in November 2022.
The results show that in general resilience level of health system in Depok City based on measurement at community health center level is in a good situation (average 61,66%). Variable of resources and health worfoce is the highest score (79,3 %) followed by technology and medical product uses (76,6 %), governance (56,8 %), services delivery (52,3 %), and financial (42,3 %).
We conclude that health system resiience in Depok City – Indonesia based on measurement at community health center level is in a good situation. Some component of health system needs to be enhaced in order to impteove general resilience as preparedness step to face upcoming possible health crisis