Glossary on Essential Definitions related to vaccines: strengthening vaccine literacy and promoting a participatory approach
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Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Sapienza University of Rome
Italian National Institute of Health, National Centre for Global Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Italy
Italian National Institute of Health
AcToVax4NAM Consortium Group, Greece
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2016
Background and Objective:
The project Access To Vaccination For Newly Arrived Migrants-AcToVax4NAM (Grant No. 101018349, Third EU Health Programme) aims to ensure equal access to vaccination services for all migrants, without discrimination. It also aims to provide tools for vaccination services to be more accessible and less complex. A glossary was developed on the essential definitions of vaccines to be validated and tailored in each AcToVax4NAM consortium countries. The Glossary is intended to be a tool in the hands of non-health professionals for the promotion of NAM vaccination.
The essential glossary is structured in three different sections: vaccination related terminology; organisational/management related terminology; specific terms referring to the country context health care organization. Each country organised a workshop to consult local health and non-health professionals who work with migrants to make the tool as actionable as possible. The workshop was held on the basis of shared guidelines, while two evaluation tools were used to assess respectively the clarity, completeness and usability of the glossary and the participants satisfaction.
A total of 8 workshops were organized in Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, Cyprus, Malta, Poland and Romania with more than 62 participants. Cultural mediators were most represented following by NGO operators and Physicians. 90% reported that the glossary is clear and useful, 80% considers the tool relevant for migrants immunization promotion strategies, while 75% consider it easy to be used. Interestingly, the use of plain language could also help healthcare professionals to improve their communication with migrant patients.
With the glossary, we aim at informing and sharing, in an easily operable manner, essential information related to vaccines with the targeted professionals, to boost their ability to advocate for NAMs access to vaccination. The participatory approach adopted enhances the effectiveness and permeability of the instrument itself.