Framework for implementing and monitoring the national public health policy in Sweden: towards a new national public health infrastructure
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Institute for Collective Health, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Sweden
Public Health Agency of Sweden, Sweden
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1814
Background and Objective: In 2019, the Swedish Government commissioned the Public Health Agency of Sweden (PHAS) to develop a framework to enable systematic and coordinated efforts for realizing the national public health goal. The framework builds on the work of The Swedish Commission for Equity in Health and the national public health policy. Methods: The framework requires systematic and coordinated efforts among key stakeholders at different societal levels and comprises four parts; Monitoring, Coordination, In-depth analysis and Dissemination of knowledge. The four parts are inter-connected and driven by the indicator-based monitoring. PHAS started implementing the framework in 2021. Results: The PHAS has developed a monitoring system to track social determinants of health and health outcomes. This system includes a set of core indicators and annual reporting of public health developments published in various formats for different target groups. Additionally, the monitoring identifies areas where further knowledge is required. In 2022, the PHAS initiated cross-sectoral collaboration by inviting 14 national authorities to a strategic dialogue within the target area; Work, working conditions and working environment. This resulted in two joint seminars and one in-depth analysis. Seminar 1 focused on education and opportunities on the labour market and Seminar 2 on an inclusive working life and sustainable work environment for people with disabilities. The in-depth analysis focuses on individuals enrolled in adult education programmes, looking at their health status and possibilities for increased employability. Public health work is in many ways the responsibility of county councils and municipalities. The PHAS has been commissioned to, in partnership with county administrative boards, support public health work of county councils and municipalities. The framework forms a basis for this work. Conclusions: A structured framework buildning on systematic monitoring and collaborative efforts can optimize public health work and provide a fitting knowledge base for end-users.