Decolonizing approaches to transforming public health, valuing indigenous knowledges and human rights
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WFPHA Indigenous Working Group WFPHA New Zealand WFPHA PHANZ New Zealand
Indigenous Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations, Australia
United States
ManuKahu Associates Limited Indigenous Working Group WFPHA New Zealand
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A745
Indigenous Peoples globally have been practicing Planetary Health Population Health Health Promotion and Public Health for Millenia. In is embebbed in our ways of knowing doing and being. This workshop will feature Indigenous Public Health Experts who will share their knowledge and insight on how to engage, work with and for Indigneous Populations. This work shop will also serve to offer education to our broader public health community on how Indigenous knowledge underpins public health and how we can understand Indigenous knowledge systems and approaches, aligned heavily with Human rights approaches and values to strengthen public health practice and how to decolonise Public Health. Participants with go away with practical actions and ability to apply ideas and frameworks in their practice which will help to increase efficacy in systems change approaches to address inequites for the most vulnerable populations, many of whom are Indigenous. In a world where climate change and planetary health are key to the survival of human kind it is essential that we step beyond the boundries of what we think we know and engage in practices and knowledges that exsit and work in harmony with the environment, natural and built and are founded on the notion of the survival of the collective.
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