Brazilian National Front for strengthening long-term care facilities for older people: a necessary and efficient social movement
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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A510
Since March 2020, the high mortality rates due to COVID-19 among European residents of long-term care facilities (LTCF) call attention to the need for quick action to avoid this reality in Brazil. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the invisibility and vulnerability of older people in LTCF. If the situation of the Brazilian ILPI for the elderly was quite fragile before the pandemics, due to the denialist government, it would probably be worse. In April 2020, several older adult human rights groups organized an online group for text, audio, and video communication on how to act quickly against social and health threats to Brazilian LTCFs during the pandemic. As a result, the National Front for Strengthening ILPI (NF-ILCF) was created. The NF-LTCF has 1400 volunteers - supporters and participants - who help care institutions meet these challenges by providing robust scientific evidence, newsletters, training protocols, reports, etc., emphasizing institutional care best practices and gathering information for each LTCF to produce a situational diagnosis and contingency measures against COVID-19. For national coverage, the NF-LTCF uses group communication applications, social media, live online sessions and its website to share materials digitally. In addition, the units can contact the group through WhatsApp groups, email or telephone. The media are designed to provide a friendly, stimulating and encouraging experience. Without financial support, the NF-ILCF initiatives carried out 250 live webinars across the country, disseminated the material to interested parties and ILPI employees (managers, administrators, supervisory technicians, caregivers, cooks, cleaners, nurses, rehabilitators, social workers) on social networks and reached more than 750000 people. Mortality rates in Brazilian LTCF were much lower than expected. This social movement persists in facing prejudice against these institutions, defending the life of each elderly person who resides in them and relentlessly seeking support for a national continuing care policy.
Challenges to the operation of Brazilian LTCIs and changes in oversight
Letycia Parreira de Oliveira, Henrique Salmazo da Silva
BMC Geriatrics
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