BURTOOLA: a digital evidence-based tool to reduce burnout syndrome in medical students
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Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Spain
Cochrane Iberoamerica, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1306
Background: Studies suggest that medical students experience mental distress in a proportion higher than the rest of the population. For instance, burnout prevalence in Spanish medical students was 37%, significantly higher among 6th year than among 1st-year students. Moreover, burnout syndrome seems to be associated with an increased likelihood of subsequent suicidal ideation. Aim: The objectives of this study are to design and implement a tool to assess medical students burnout risk allowing students and their universities to reduce the prevalence of burnout in Spain. Methods: Burtoola (burnout + tool + accessibility) is a digital evidence-based tool connecting clinical data and patients reported outcomes (proms). Our intended audience is over 45000 students from 43 medical schools in Spain. A 3-5 years timeline plan considers 3 phases: 1) instrument development (~1 academic year) includes validating the burnout risk scale, development of predictive software and data collection; 2) clinical phase (~2 years) evaluation of stress, burnout and cortisol levels; 3) implementation phase (~1.5 years) strategies to adopt and integrate evidence-based health interventions into the university setting. Expected results: Burtoola has been selected as the winner of the hackathon healthtech 2030 celebrated recently in Barcelona organized by the Xartec Salut Network. As part of being selected as the best idea, we will be awarded by sponsors and receive mentorship to develop the winning project towards a proof-of-concept phase. We are now looking for collaboration, trust, and funding to build our first prototype (phase I study).
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