Assessment of women's autonomy towards oral care utilization and its association with cognizance, attitude, and oral hygiene practices in Sri Ganganagar, India
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Surendera Dental College & Research Institute, India
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1530
Background and Objective: Oral health, though an integral part of general health, yet it is accorded low priority and remains an issue of neglect. Gender disparity in Oral health-seeking behaviour and utilization of dental services have been observed, therefore understanding factors affecting among females is necessary. Women's autonomy which suggests the power to alter one's fate and environment, among other things may have a role in their dental health‑care utilization in India. The objective of the study was to assess women's autonomy towards oral care utilization and its association with cognizance, attitude, and oral hygiene practices in Sri Ganganagar, India. Methods: A cross‑sectional study was conducted among 387 women aged 18 years or older who in Sri Ganganagar city, Rajasthan. Structured, pre-validated, and interviewer‑guided questionnaires were used to assess women's autonomy, knowledge, attitude, oral hygiene practices, and dental care service utilization. Descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out. Results: Out of total, 58.4 % of the women reported high level of autonomy, with more of urban than rural women. Out of these, 57.2% had high decision‑making power at the household level and 51.4% had a high financial control and regular access to money. Women with a high level of autonomy had more cognizance, a more positive attitude, and better dental hygiene habits. Findings of logistic regression analysis revealed that women with high autonomy were 1.89 times more likely to utilize oral health services, whereas women with high knowledge were 1.17 times more likely and women with a positive attitude were 1.76 times more likely than those with a negative attitude to use oral health services. Conclusions: Women's autonomy was found to influence along with knowledge, attitude, and oral hygiene practices the oral health‑care service utilization.