Assessment of vulnerability factors leading to psychoactive substances use among school children
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University Hassan the first, Morocco
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1162
The use or consumption of psychoactive products is a dynamic subject of scientific interest for all nations. The correlation between the use of Psychoactive substances use and adolescence is a real challenge that requires a multidisciplinary participation in the planning and implementation of prevention actions. At the national level, there is already a slight increase in prevalence figures between the MedSPAD 2013 and MedSPAD 2017 surveys for tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and sleeping pills among Morrocan schoolchildren aged between 15 and 17 years. We opted for a systematic bibliographic search using PRISMA STATEMENT; in order to answer our problem; which is interested in the evaluation of vulnerability factors related to the use of psychoactive substances in young school children. The school environment is an effective field to prevent the use and positively impact this transition. On the socio-economic level, this scourge escapes no one, it is contextual, the disparity exists and coexists in the same context being well off or coming from a low social level, the risk of use is always present. The integration of the family is paramount to protect young adolescents against the influence of peers, which ranks as an underlying factor that follows a neurobiological process . The assessment of vulnerability factors is one of the first pillars to reduce the use of Psychoactive subsances use in young school children Keywords: vulnerability, psychoactive substances(PAS) , adolescents, assessment