Assessment of the readiness and response toward the dengue fever outbreak in Sudan: a qualitative exploration
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Hadhramout University, Yemen
University of Medical Science and Technology, Sudan
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A976
Background and Objective: The mosquito-borne viruses are considered as a major public health problem in Sudan, predominantly in Kassala state during the last 10 years. The preparedness and response to the outbreak especially in the decision-making at the country or state levels need further description and consideration, due to the absence of any previous assessment studies. Therefore, this study aimed to qualitatively assess the level of readiness and response toward the 2019 dengue fever outbreak in Kassala - Sudan at the federal and state level of the ministry of health.  Methods: This exploratory descriptive cross-sectional study involved the key informant personnel from the main four dimensions affecting the readiness and response (Surveillance, vector control, outbreak management, and health promotion). In-depth interviews were conducted to fill the open-ended questions and checklists developed by WHO and relative literatures. The interviews’ contents were extensively analyzed and texted that strengthened or weakened each dimension were extracted from the key informants’ interviews. Results and Discussion: Sudan outbreak was spotted by passive surveillance and 51 samples were tested during the outbreak period, and the private clinics and labs were not included in the surveillance system. According to the WHO checklist of outbreak readiness and response, the surveillance system and Public health laboratory in Kassala got the least score. Conclusions:n This study’s outbreak readiness and response could be considered as below standard, mainly in the surveillance system and laboratory diagnostic facilities, due to absence of the intersectoral collaboration with a regulatory framework in terms of financial and operational participation.
Prevalence of malaria and dengue co-infections among febrile patients during dengue transmission season in Kassala, eastern Sudan
Khider Alsedig, Mawahib Eldigail, Adel Elduma, Arwa Elaagip, Omnia Altahir, Hanaa Siam, Yousif Ali, Tajeldin Abdallah, Elvina Viennet
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
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