Assessment of quality attributes impacting end-users’ experience with mobile health applications in saudi arabia: A systematic review
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Saudi Electronic University Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A618
While a number of mobile health apps are available for managing prescriptions, managing chronic care, managing womens health, managing personal health data, managing healthcare and fitness, and managing nutrition and diet. The usability of the apps is what determines their success. The purpose of this systematic research was to evaluate the quality factors influencing end-user satisfaction with mobile health applications in Saudi Arabia. For this systematic review, which included the most recent literature (2017–2022) on end-user experiences with mobile health applications in Saudi Arabia, we searched Pubmed, Medline, CINAHIL, EmBase, Google Scholar, Springer Link, Saudi digital library (SDL), Association of computing machinery (ACM) digital library, and IEEE Xplore databases. The identified papers calibre and consistency were checked using PRISMA criteria and critical appraisal methods. 5008 duplicate articles were removed from all databases that had been searched after the original search. Furthermore, after looking at their titles and abstracts, 1941 papers were taken out of the study. Based on the aforementioned standards, the main author and co-author reviewed and chose the remaining 102 articles. There were 21 publications total in this study that were deemed to be acceptable. All of the chosen studies interviewed 15727 people in total. The most popular mobile health apps among the chosen studies were reported to be Tawakklna, Tabaud, Seha, Mawid, Tataman, Ana Alsukary, and Sehhaty. In the selected studies for this systematic review, satisfaction (n=9) was the feature that was most frequently employed, followed by usefulness (n=4), awareness (n=4), acceptability (n=2), learnability (n=2), efficiency (n=2), flexibility (n=1), and errors/technical concerns (n=1). Unexpectedly, privacy and security-other crucial usability factors for mobile health apps-were not on the list of the most often mentioned factors. The meta-analysis of three chosen research revealed that younger age groups and men were more satisfied with using mobile health apps.
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